Hi, I’m Fliss

Most of the yoga classes I went to in my 20’s left me cold.  I found it difficult to follow the class and I felt stupid.  I certainly didn’t want to go back for more!  

In my 30’s I discovered a class that welcomed complete newcomers with patience and kindness and I soon started to see great improvement in my strength, flexibility and quite unexpectedly my mental health.  

Then, after 10 years of regular yoga practice, my life changed entirely when I became a Mum - and a few months later the world went into lockdown and I found myself isolated with a tiny baby.  I’d like to say yoga got me through the pandemic but in actual fact I didn’t do one class or even a 10 minute stretch during lockdown.  

By the time things fully opened up I had a two year old and little to no connection with who I was pre-pandemic/parenting.  I struggled to find my place in this completely different landscape.  Understandably my physical and mental health suffered.  Eventually I started doing yoga classes again and with practice I was able  to reconnect with myself, I learnt to accept who I am now and let go of things that didn’t serve me.  During that time I saw what a gift a regular yoga practice is and soon enough I signed up to do my yoga teacher training - and the rest is history.

To do my classes you don’t need the latest athleisure wear, you don’t need to look a certain way, have a certain level of fitness or understand Sanskrit!  You don’t have to have done yoga before in your life.

The power of yoga is unexplainable and I’m over the moon that I get to share it with you.

You are welcome just as you are. 


You don’t need to be a yogi. Just be curious.